🔥 Hot Tip: Do Your Worst Work
What’s the current Big Important Project in your life?
Writing a book? Preparing for an important meeting? Tackling a big goal? Thinking through a career change?
Let me tell you the absolute WORST way to approach a Big Important Project:
Try to do your best.
“Doing your best” is the Worst. Strategy. Ever.
Because guess what?
When something is very, very important to you…
When the stakes are high and you’re afraid you’ll fail…
And godforbid it’s ALSO big, undefined, and you’re not quite sure how to get started…
Trying to do your best will lead you into absolute paralysis.
We’re going to cut that nonsense out right now.
And I’m going to tell you exactly what to do:
Be laughably bad.
Writing a book? Sketch out the cringiest, stupidest story you can think of.
Preparing for an important meeting? Plan out the fastest way to make everyone in the room angry at you.
Tackling a big goal? Write out the step-by-step plan that will ENSURE you never get there.
Considering a career change? Come up with a plan that will both bankrupt you and corrupt your soul.
Don’t try to do your best.
Be delightfully, creatively, excessively stupid.
Do NOT slack off on this. I want DETAILS.
I want an absolute implosion — a plan so awful that academics will want to study how so many things could go wrong at once.
And here’s what’s going to happen when you do this — when you turn your back on doing your best and lean all the way into being comically bad:
You’ll get the ball rolling and quickly eliminate the scariest thing of all: the blank page
You’ll stop taking things so seriously and start having fun
You’ll learn a LOT about all the ideas, fears, worries, insights, nuggets of gold, and lumps of absolute coal that were already in your brain — they just needed a place to come out
You’ll take the thing that’s holding you back — your fear! — and you will alchemize it into the fuel that will propel you forward
You don’t need to eliminate your fear, your perfectionism, your impossibly high standards, or your staggering ambitions.
You just need to learn how to USE them — how to take those raw materials and turn them into a rocket ship instead of a prison.
We surfed one wave of fear today, but there will be more after this one.
The goal isn’t to eliminate fear.
It’s to understand it, accept it, talk to it, and work WITH it.
It’s to learn how to create safety for yourself even when you’re afraid, so you can finally do all the things you really, really want to do.
And to maybe even have some ridiculous fun along the way.
Are you ready to get started? Then come talk to me, and let’s go 🚀
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