3 Questions to Help You Get That Thing DONE
What’s that thing that’s languishing on your to-do list?
Is it a boring chore — clean the kitchen, organize that trip, make that customer service call?
Is it a big project with no deadline — clean up your personal finances, figure out what you want next in your career?
Is it just plain, old work — reply to those emails, write that document, send the meeting follow-ups?
Stop guiltily procrastinating or painfully powering through.
Instead, answer these 3 questions.
What is the minimum you need to do?
No more visions of 200% perfection! Throw away that A++ pipe dream.
What is the LEAST you need to do?
Lower the bar. Then lower it some more. Seriously, what’s the bare minimum?
Does it feel 10/10 stupid doable? Almost TOO easy and TOO simple?
Perfect. You got it.
Why is this important?
Why do you want to do this to begin with?
Your brain may come up with a bunch of negative reasons.
“So my life isn’t so messy and out of control. So I stop being so behind.”
It’s okay to start here. But flip them to positive reasons that feel good and motivating to you.
“Because I’m excited to get things organized. Because it’ll feel so good to get on top of things. Because I love taking care of things and moving them forward.”
The difference between a positive reason and a negative reason is like the difference between saying:
The surgery has a 90% survival rate.
There’s a 10% chance you’ll die during the surgery.
These sentences convey the same information. But they FEEL very different.
Use this cognitive bias to your advantage.
Frame things positively to create motivation and momentum.
It’s a lot easier to work when you’re feeling excited and in control than when you’re feeling guilty and ashamed.
How can you make it fun?
No more marching through the drudgery.
What if getting this done was the best part of your day?
Make it SO fun. Indulge yourself.
What would that look like?
And then — get to work :)
One of the most common concerns potential clients tell me is: What if I hire you and then I don’t do any of the things you tell me to do?
And I always tell them: The BEST place to fall flat on your face and do NONE of your homework is in front of a coach.
You’ll come to the session and tell me, “Ugh, I didn’t do any of the things you said to do.”
And I’ll say, “Perfect! What a productive week! Let’s dig into all the reasons WHY.”
We’ll understand what’s holding you back from getting things done.
We’ll troubleshoot and problem-solve together until you’ve nailed it.
And once we’ve done that, you won’t just be getting your coaching homework done. That change will ripple out into every part of your life.
Your fear that you won’t follow through and execute…
…is the exact reason that you need coaching.
Come talk to me and let’s get started.
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