5 quick career experiments you could do this week (intro)
Last week, I told you that figuring out your next career step is exactly the same as uncovering a dinosaur fossil.
When you see “small glimmers of bone in the dirt”…
But you’re not yet sure what kind of dinosaur you’ve found…
Don’t just stare at the bones in the dirt and think very hard about what kind of dinosaur it could be.
Start digging and excavate the dinosaur!
And in career sense, what that means is…
When you have a vague feeling that you’re not where you want to be…
But you’re not quite sure how to articulate what you want…
Don’t just stare at your vague feelings and think very hard about what you want.
Start digging and excavate what you want!
The best way to do that is through small, bounded experiments
Every experiment “brushes more dirt off the fossil” and gives you a clearer sense of what it is that you’re unearthing.
When I tell people about this concept, a very common question I get is:
“Okay, but what kind of experiments should I do?”
You don’t have hours and hours of free time.
You want to get clarity on this as fast as possible.
So how do you quickly and effectively “brush dirt off the fossil” and uncover this thing?
Over the next few days, I’m going to give you 5 quick career experiments you could do this week.
Here’s all you have to do today.
Pick ONE idea that you want to test.
You’ve got some ideas rattling around in there about what do you want to do next…
What’s on your secret wish list?
Your “if I knew I wouldn’t fail…” list?
Do you have a secret hankering to be a…
Novelist? Graphic designer? Lawyer? Investor? Accountant? Marketer? Product manager? Salesperson? Franchise business owner? Online Etsy shop owner? Startup founder? Freelance consultant? Interior designer?
Whatever it is, pick ONE thing.
It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong.
It doesn’t matter if you have 5% conviction in the idea or 95% conviction in the idea.
It doesn’t matter if you’re totally confident you could smash it, or if you’re shaking in your boots at the thought of even trying.
The point of doing these experiments is to gather data.
You might find out you that you totally want to do this… ✅
Or you might find out it’s the dumbest idea ever and cross it firmly off your list. ❌
Either way, it’s a win — because you’ve learned something.
Over the next few days, you’re going to gain clarity, certainty, and make forward progress.
You’re going to brush more dirt off the fossil and get one step closer to figuring out what you want to do next.
So pick one thing and get ready to start tomorrow :)
To make sure you don’t miss a single experiment, subscribe to my email list.
And if you know someone in your life who’s feeling confused about what to do next in their career…
And could benefit from a dose of career clarity…
Forward them this email and tell them to subscribe :)
Experiment #1 ➡️
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