A client told me this concept changed their life
I was chatting with one of my clients recently, and they told me that this one concept that we discussed in our coaching sessions changed their life.
Here’s the concept:
Quantity creates quality.
If you’re a perfectionistic high-achiever (like me!), I know you want to do things really, really well.
But that desire to do things well can keep you from doing anything at all — because you want your first attempt to be amazing, but you know it won’t be, so it seems better not to try at all.
I’m not telling you to give up your quest for quality.
I LOVE that you want to do things really, really well. That is a feature, not a bug, of your personality. It’s one of the best things about you :)
I’m telling you that the best way to get to the high quality you so desire is through quantity.
This applies to absolutely ANYTHING that you want to do well.
Want to get an awesome next job? Go create a bunch of concrete “next job” options.
They don’t all have to be amazing right from the start…but the more concrete options you create, the better and better they’ll get — because YOU’LL get better at articulating what you’re looking for, pitching yourself for different positions, and identifying what is and isn’t a good fit.
Find networking awkward and cringey? Go do a bunch of coffee chats and attend a couple conferences.
It may feel awkward and cringey at first…but the more conversations you have, the better and better you’ll get at it. You’ll find your rhythm, figure out the best questions to ask, and learn how to approach it in a friendly, chill way.
Want to be more productive during the day? Make a plan for the day and then assess how it went 20 times.
You’ll probably flub your plan HARD the first several times…but the more plans you make and assess, the better and better you’ll get at it. You’ll figure out what’s realistic to expect, what works & doesn’t work to keep you on track, and when to stick with the plan vs. deviate and love that choice.
So whatever it is that you’re trying to do well right now…
Stop letting your drive for quality paralyze you at the starting block.
Instead, set a quantity goal and just get started getting those reps…
…which is what will ultimately create the high quality output you want.
The first roadblock that paralyzed perfectionists run into is that they simply don’t realize that quantity creates quality. We’ve cleared that roadblock for you today.
The NEXT roadblock a lot of people run into is the thoughts that come up for them during their first few “crappy” attempts.
Your brain will give you thoughts like…
I’m bad at this.
What’s the point?
This is taking too long.
I don’t want to.
This is never going to work.
And you will feel the urge to stop trying — aka, to stop creating the quantity that ultimately will create your quality.
Don’t worry. This is totally normal. You’re not “lazy” or “undisciplined” or “just don’t want it enough” if these thoughts come up for you.
You just haven’t yet learned the skill of noticing and navigating through your brain’s very normal resistance, by either:
Talking back to your brain and changing your thinking so the resistance is reduced or eliminated
Learning how to take action even when a fear-monster 👹 is sitting on your shoulder
This is exactly what I help my clients learn how to do.
I provide the expertise and experience to help you do this in small, manageable but consistent steps that keep you moving forward without burning out. Boom/bust cycles, no more!
I provide the structure and accountability that ensures that you’re always moving forward, even on the weeks when you “fall off track.” Because every so-called failure is also a learning opportunity as long as you take the lesson and adjust, which is exactly what I help you do every single time, no matter what.
And I provide the cheerleading and support because I’ve got your back 100%, even on the days you don’t. You may not always believe that you can get there. I KNOW you can. And I’ll carry your belief bucket as long as you need me to :)
Wherever you are trying to go, coaching is an accelerant.
Can you climb a mountain on your own? Yes, of course!
Will you get there faster if you have an experienced guide, pointing out pitfalls before you fall into them and getting you unstuck in minutes & hours rather than weeks & months? YES!
Your time is too precious to waste. I don’t want you to spend anymore time feeling stuck.
Not when the answer — and the step-by-step process for implementing that answer for life is just one click away.
Let’s get started today.
What my clients have to say…
“I felt like every Monday, regardless of what happened that week, I had someone who had my back and would help me gently course correct.
Pooja would always help me push off my week to a great start so that I wouldn’t lose out on the progress I had made or forget about all the good things I was doing.
To kick start my week like that felt like a superpower.”
—Client | Solutions Engineer at Fintech Company
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