Say Hello to Your Inner Fan (+ Holiday Hiatus 🎄)
Earlier this week, I talked about why your inner critic actually has terrible ideas for how you can improve, and why you should listen to your Inner Fan instead.
But before you can listen to your Inner Fan, you have to meet them.
Let’s do that today! :) Here are 3 steps.
Step 1: Imagine someone that you are a HUGE fan of
Not just someone that you like or admire or respect.
I mean someone for whom you are total fangirl or fanboy.
Someone who, if you met them, you’d be like: “🤩🤩🤩 😍😍😍 🤯🤯🤯 OMG! I can’t believe I’m in the same room with this person!!!”
Mine are Taylor Swift and Kylian Mbappé (yes, I’m watching a lot of World Cup soccer at the moment).
Step 2: Think of something your inner critic has recently complained about
Pick one snippet from the low-level inner critic soundtrack that’s been playing in the background…
Here’s one of mine from yesterday: I had to go to the bank in the morning, but I’d gotten up too late to shower first, so I threw on a sweatshirt and went.
My inner critic said:
Oof, you’re here in you sweatshirt and PJs. No makeup, no earrings, hair in a bun.
You look so gross.
Step 3: Ask yourself: What would I think if the person I’m a fan of did the thing my inner critic is complaining about?
I asked myself as I was walking into the bank:
What would I think if Kylian Mbappé went to the bank in a sweatshirt without showering?
And my brain responded:
Oh, that would be SO cool. It’s like…an off-duty superstar, casually running his errands on his non-game day.
💥 Bam! You just met your Inner Fan 💥
By asking yourself that question, you’ve done a mental copy-paste.
You did a Ctrl+C copy of the unconditional positive regard you have for the person you’re a fan of…
And you Ctrl+V pasted it onto yourself in the situation your inner critic is complaining about.
This is how you OVERWRITE your inner critic habit loop and replace it with an Inner Fan habit loop.
You don’t have to create an Inner Fan from scratch.
You already have one in your brain!
You just have to copy-paste it into the situations where you want it…
…enough times that this viewpoint becomes automatic.
So here’s what I want you to do for the next 30 days.
Every single time that you notice your inner critic complaining about something…
Do this copy-paste.
Ask yourself: What would I think if the person I’m a fan of did the thing my inner critic is complaining about?
That’s it. That’s all you have to do.
Your Brain’s BFF is going on a holiday hiatus for the next 4 weeks!
I’m off for some holiday travels, and I’m going heads-down on building my course.
(Every time I get stuck writing my course, I come here and write a newsletter. And I’ve got to take that option away from myself 😅)
So I will see you in the second week of January.
Happy holidays, happy new year, and see you in 2023!
And next year, get ready for…
From Imposter to “I Got This.”
The High-Stress High Achiever’s step-by-step guide to:
- Eliminate work stress and imposter syndrome
- Get clear + get moving on their next career step
- Create a life they love living
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