Stress is like a beachball 🏖️ 🇺🇸
If you feel stress, anxiety, fear, or any other uncomfortable emotion sometime today…
I want you to imagine that emotion as a beachball that’s popped up next to you.
You can try to push this beachball down, under the water…
But the harder you push this beachball DOWN, the harder it’s going to push back UP against your hand.
If you have to keep this beachball under water all day…
That’s a lot of time and energy you have to keep focused on the beachball.
And if you let your attention wander for even a second…
That beachball is going to pop out of the water like a speeding bullet and splash water all over everything.
So instead of trying to push the beachball down…
Just let the beachball float there next to you.
It’s not a big deal. It’s just a beachball :)
Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
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