The secret ingredient separating you from the people you’re jealous of
Let me tell you about the last time I got really, really jealous of someone.
This happened just a few weeks ago.
I was listening to a podcast where people talk about how they’ve navigated their careers and ended up where they are today.
The woman being interviewed had started her career working in Big Law.
And she talked about the woman she shared her office with when she first started.
Her officemate was insanely impressive.
Not only had she gone to a top law school, graduated at the top of her class, and worked on the law review…
She’d also been a Fulbright scholar.
And she’d gotten a masters in creative writing at a prestigious British university before going to law school.
She’d clerked for a Supreme Court justice.
The law firm partners would literally come into their office to talk to her officemate about the articles she’d written and the work she’d done because they found it so impressive.
AND she had been a pageant winner, Miss [state she grew up in] in multiple years, so she was pretty as hell to boot.
And her officemate’s career continued to take off like a rocket ship even after they shared that office, and she’s now in a high-ranking and highly prestigious government position.
I don’t even want to be a lawyer or work in the government…
And I still felt jealous of this woman’s officemate.
I was like, “Ugh, I wish *I* was that accomplished and impressive and insanely on top of things!!!”
And I’m sure you’ve felt this way too.
So what do you think is the secret ingredient separating you from the people you’re jealous of?
We usually assume it’s…
Capability — they’re just smarter and faster and better than we are.
Or Discipline — they’re harder working, more persistent, and more productive than we are.
Or Savviness — they’re better at navigating the system and cultivating relationships and “playing the game” than we are.
But what if I told you that that secret ingredient is…Alignment?
I want you to imagine all your energy and focus as one big laser beam 💥
When you don’t have alignment, you fracture that laser beam.
When you’re working towards something…
But you’re not fully convinced that you SHOULD or WANT to be working toward that thing…
All these little questions and thoughts will pop up in your head while you’re working on it.
Things like…
“Will this work?”
“Should I be doing this?”
“What if this fails?”
“What if I’m wrong about this?”
“Is this a good use of my time?”
“Ugh, I don’t want to do this.”
“Why am I doing this, again?”
Every one of those little thoughts splits off another fragment of your laser beam.
Every one of those thoughts diverts a little bit of your energy and focus away from the thing you’re trying to do.
And if you never answer those questions and resolve those thoughts…
Your energy and focus STAYS fragmented.
And it’s no wonder you’re not getting to where you want to be.
It’s not that you don’t have a powerful enough laser beam.
It’s just that your laser beam is shooting all over the place instead of being 100% locked in on one target.
When you have alignment, you focus that laser beam.
“Alignment” means that you’ve answered and addressed all those little thoughts and questions that were fracturing your laser beam.
“Will this work?” Either it works, or I learn something. Win-win either way.
“Should I be doing this?” Yes. We thought through everything. This is why this makes sense.
“What if this fails?” It’s just an experiment. I’m just gathering data.
“What if I’m wrong about this?” It will be okay. We’ve deliberately made this low-stakes.
“Is this a good use of my time?” Yes. Out of all the options, our analysis shows that this is the best place to start.
“Ugh, I don’t want to do this.” Yes, I do. Here’s how I can make this fun and appealing.
“Why am I doing this, again?” Here’s how this connects to my overall dreams and purpose.
Every time you answer or address one of those little thoughts…
You bring that split-off bit of the laser beam back into the whole.
And once all those little split off bits have been brought back in…
That’s when you’re unleashed.
That’s when your ultra-powerful laser beam can burn through anything.
You know what it feels like to be 100% locked in.
You’ve experienced this before, and it feels amazing.
When you’re 100% aligned and locked in…
You have clarity and conviction.
You know exactly where you’re trying to go, and you have no doubts that you want to go there.
You have focus and a sense of purpose.
You know who you are, what your priorities are, and what you’re trying to do in the world.
You have energy and motivation.
You’re not wasting any energy fighting within yourself.
All your energy is directed outward, on what you’re trying to do.
And this feels so good that you’re excited to get started every day.
You have self-trust and a sense of flow.
You’re in tune with your own signals and practiced at re-aligning yourself.
A little piece of the laser beam might fracture off in the future — no worries.
You know exactly how to bring it back in and get back into flow.
You have resilience and results.
Being locked in and in flow feels so good that you’ll keep going.
You’ll pick yourself back up when you fall.
You’ll figure out the obstacles.
You’ll get the reps.
You’ll stay in the game long enough to get results.
The purpose of coaching is to turn your laser beam from fragmented to focused.
Coaching helps you identify the little thoughts, questions, fears, concerns, and hesitations that are fragmenting your laser beam right now…
And then it helps you address them and put them to bed once and for all.
It helps you bring every little bit of your fractured laser beam back into the whole.
And once your laser beam is focused, you are unleashed.
I help you get your laser beam focused today.
AND I teach you the systematic process for getting it refocused so you can do it again and again whenever you need.
Because getting into alignment isn’t one-and-done.
It’s an ongoing practice.
But luckily, when you coach with me, I give you fish AND I teach you how to fish.
Come talk to me about working together today :)
What my clients have to say…
“After a few sessions, I saw that, ‘Wow, I'm not in my own way anymore.’”
—Client | Solutions Engineer at Fintech Company
“Trust the process and within a few sessions, you'll see results, This is not something where you have to wait six months or a year before you expect to start feeling better. It happens pretty quickly.”
—Client | Head of Business Development at MedTech Company
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