The underrated emotional skill you need to land your next job
Your A+ next job, not your “good enough” next job
The underrated emotional skill you need in order to land your next job…
And to make sure that job is actually the best fit for you and not just “good enough”…
Is tolerance for ambiguity.
An incredibly common phenomenon that I see among people that are looking for their next job…
Is that they’re often in a rush for the job search process to just be done already.
They want to feel settled.
They want to feel resolved.
They want to know exactly what they’re going to do next…
And they want to be able to tell people, simple and clearly, “I’m going to do ___.”
What they DON’T want to do is hang out in the ambiguity.
The ambiguity of: “I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do next.”
The ambiguity of: “I’m trying to figure out if what I want is even possible — if that kind of job even exists in the market.”
The ambiguity of: “I’m trying to figure out if someone would hire me for the kind of job I really want, and how to network my way over to those people.”
All of those ambiguities are so uncomfortable.
AND…all of those ambiguities are where all the potential juice is.
If your unconscious goal is to exit these ambiguities as quickly as possible…
Chances are you’ll end up in a “good enough” role — a local optimum.
A role that “logically follows” from what you’ve been doing so far.
A role that is clearly defined on a well-trodden path — one of the cut-and-dry choices among the pre-set tracks in your field.
A role that you are perfectly qualified for and well-connected enough to get in the door.
But if that role was truly what you wanted…
You wouldn’t feel any ambiguity.
You’d already feel resolved, and you’d just go get that role.
You feel the ambiguity because you don’t really want that cut-and-dry “good enough” role.
You want something MORE.
And if you can tolerate that ambiguity for a little bit longer…
If you can spend the time to excavate and experiment until you’re clear on what you really want — even if it doesn’t fit any neatly defined roles and you’re not totally sure if it’s out there…
If you can take your time and scan the market and figure out if what you want does exist…
If you can talk to enough people that you can find your way to the ones that want to hire you, and refine your pitch until they get it…
If you can stick with the ambiguity for a little bit longer…
You give yourself the chance to find your true A+ role — your global optimum.
And I think an extra few months of ambiguity and discomfort…
Is 100% worth it, if it leads to you spending the new few years in an A+ role instead of a “good enough” role.
Tolerating — and getting the juice from — ambiguity is one of the things I help my clients do.
We stick with the uncomfortable questions instead of running from them.
We gather data and run experiments so we can find the answers to those questions.
And we come to the REAL resolution and clarity that’s on the other side of actually working through those questions…
Instead of settling for the false security that comes from avoiding them.
So if you want some structure and accountability to make sure you don’t exit the ambiguity too quickly.
And you want the emotional support AND the strategic support required to work through the ambiguity as quickly and effectively as possible.
Come talk to me, and let’s get started.
What my clients have to say…
“Coaching has given me more inner peace and focus as to what are the things that I want and how to go after them without setting ceilings.
And it’s allowed me to get to the root of what it is that I want, and not just chase the next big thing.”
—Client | CEO, PE-backed company
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