You are not going to turn into THAT guy
When people say…
“If I celebrate my wins, and I build my confidence, and I doubt myself less, and I trust myself more… That is going to make me arrogant.”
They’re usually imagining a specific person they know who actually IS arrogant.
They’re imagining…That Guy.
That Guy takes up too much airtime in meetings.
Who won’t shut up and talks over every else.
Who blames everyone but himself when things go wrong.
Who thinks he’s god’s gift to humanity.
And I’m here to tell you… You are not going to turn into That Guy.
Because you and That Guy are on totally opposite ends of the spectrum.
He’s on the “Blindly Overconfident” side, where he maybe DOES need to doubt himself a bit more and trust himself a bit less.
And YOU are on the “Blindly UNDER-Confident” side, where you’re holding yourself back and not speaking up and wasting time questioning yourself instead of just doing what you know is the right answer.
So if you build your confidence, celebrate your wins, trust yourself more, and give yourself the benefit of the doubt…
You are not going to magically turn into That Guy.
You have about a thousand layers of internal guardrails in place to make sure that never happens.
You’re just going to come towards the MIDDLE of that spectrum.
Where you’ll spend less time questioning, doubting, and criticizing yourself…
And more time getting to work on the problem that’s in front of you.
And enjoying yourself and being in flow.
THAT’S the point.
It’s not hard to like yourself, or to be confident.
You already have mountains of evidence and piles of accomplishments to prove your case.
What’s hard is showing your brain that it’s SAFE to like yourself.
That it’s SAFE to be confident.
That it’s SAFE to give yourself grace for your mistakes.
That it’s SAFE to let your guard down and relax into the truth that you are incredible exactly as you are.
That’s the part we work on in coaching.
It’s not about beating positivity into your brain.
It’s about understanding that, through its relentless negativity, your brain is actually trying to protect you.
And it’s about slowly unwinding that protective mechanism.
Through love and compassion and humor and understanding…
Through logic and stories and analogies and real-life mini-practice sessions…
Until that protective habit is slowly de-conditioned.
So that you can relax and let ease come in.
Let’s start today.
What my clients have to say…
“I realized that you can always create a space of abundance, even when there's scarcity.
This process has allowed me to go so deep into myself and realize: Just be more yourself. You don’t have to change.
And that abundance helps me to make better, less fear-based decisions."
—Client | CEO, PE-backed company
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