Your Brain is an Unreliable Narrator of Your Story
Your automatic brain is constantly looking around at your life and giving you its assessment of how things are going.
“This is good. This is bad. This is a problem. Watch out for this.” etc. etc.
And as long as you’re alive and breathing, you cannot turn your automatic brain off.
It will keep looking around at everything and giving you its interpretations, judgments, feelings, and intuitions about things.
It’s like a constant stream of data that’s being delivered up to you without any conscious effort, intention, or control on your part.
And guess what?
That little guy who won’t stop talking is an unreliable narrator of your story.
He is NOT objective or unbiased. He does NOT speak “the truth.”
Here’s what he actually does:
He moves anything that’s good, resolved, safe, or not a problem to the BACKGROUND, out of your line of sight.
And he actively hunts for and FINDS problems everywhere he looks.
You could win the lottery, move to Hawaii, and live a life of luxury for the rest of your days…
And your brain would STILL find things to complain about.
“The sand is scratchy today!
This pomegranate isn’t sweet enough!
The sun is hurting my eyes!
How do I know? Because you have ALREADY solved a lot of the problems you had.
You have things today that you would have KILLED to get a few years ago.
And I’ll bet any amount of money that despite you getting the things you desperately wanted…
Your brain is still a complaint machine, and it still finds problems everywhere it looks.
So here’s what I want you to do:
Give your automatic brain a hug. No blaming or shaming here. He’s doing his best. He’s really trying. Thank you for your help, little buddy.
Take everything he’s saying with a grain of salt. There may be an interesting nugget of insight in what he’s saying. But there’s also a LOT of noise that you can laugh at and put aside.
Un-bias yourself. What if everything is fine? What if this isn’t a problem? How is this GOOD? What’s the BEST case scenario?
Answering these questions isn’t BS’ing yourself. It’s un-biasing yourself.
Make your brain WORK on these questions. I want as much detail and commitment and conviction on this side of the house as you already have on the negative side.
Because you can’t make good decisions if you don’t even have a clear view of what’s going on right now.
See the good — and GREAT! — side of everything that’s happening right now.
See the safety, beauty, power, and abundance you already have. FEEL it in your body.
Turn down the stressful, frantic energy that comes with focusing on only the bad.
And then, with clearer eyes, decide what you want to do next.
My course & coaching program is all about unlocking the best of your problem-solving power.
You are so smart, strong, hardworking, and capable.
You are MORE than capable of figuring out anything that’s put in front of you and creating the EXACT life you want to be living.
It’s just that when you’re locked up in a fight-or-flight stress response, you can’t ACCESS the best of your abilities.
And that’s exactly what we’re going to solve.
I’ll teach you how to identify when you’ve slipped into an unhelpful problem-solving mode (sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes it’s subtle).
And how to get back into your best thinking state reliably and consistently.
I’ll teach you all the theory. You’ll see tons of examples. And then we’ll PRACTICE again and again until it becomes second nature.
All so that you can do great work without burning yourself out, make career decisions with confidence and clarity, and actively CREATE the life you want every day.
I can’t wait for you to get started :)
From Imposter to “I Got This.”
The High-Stress High Achiever’s step-by-step guide to:
- Eliminate work stress and imposter syndrome
- Get clear + get moving on their next career step
- Create a life they love living
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