Your imposter syndrome is a sign of how much you know
Have you heard about the Dunning-Kruger effect?
The graph below summarizes it perfectly.

Basically, when you first start learning about something, you experience a spike of confidence about how much you know about it.
You’ve listened to one podcast episode. You’ve read one book. You’ve taken one class.
And you walk around with your chest puffed out, thinking, “Yeah, I get this. This is EASY.”
This is not because you’re a jerk, btw. Everybody does this. It happens because you don’t know what you don’t know. You THINK you know everything, and so you feel very confident.
As you learn more about the subject, you start to grasp what you don’t know.
Complexities emerge. You realize there are exceptions to the rules. What seemed so clear and well-defined becomes a murky gray area.
You understand that your knowledge is a drop in the bucket of everything that COULD be known about this subject.
And you slide into the valley of despair.
As you learn more, your knowledge and competence is GROWING…
…AND at the same time, your confidence has dropped dramatically from its peak.
So if you’re sitting here feeling a bunch of imposter syndrome right now…
Why are they trusting ME with this decision? With this initiative? With this new role?
Don’t they know I have no idea what I’m doing??
When am I going to be revealed for the fraud I really am??
You don’t need to get rid of your imposter syndrome.
You just need to reinterpret the signal.
That fraudulent feeling that you feel…
…is actually a sign of your competence.
It is a sign that you are NOT standing on the peak of Mount Stupid.
But that you are a seasoned expert who has seen enough to know that things aren’t as simple as they seem and is wise enough to know what they don’t know.
Your imposter syndrome is EXACTLY what makes you so qualified.
How does that resonate with your brain?
Does it calm you down 100%, and you get back to work with calmness and confidence?
Or does your brain have a nagging objection to this idea? A “yes, but…” that allows it to hang onto its fear?
If it’s the latter, come book a free public coaching call with me and let’s talk about it.
All that’s happening is that your brain has a counterargument to this thought. Which is totally normal! Happens all the time.
And all we have to do is surface what that thought is and respond to it.
And keep having the conversation back and forth with your brain until it believes something new.
That is how you rewrite the mental operating system that is unconsciously controlling 95% of what you think, feel, and do every day.
And if you don’t want to just rewrite ONE line of code in that operating system…
…but if you want to learn the skill of:
Finding the buggy lines of code that aren’t creating the results you want
Taking those buggy lines out of the surrounding code without destabilizing everything
Putting in new lines of code — new pieces of logic — that resonate and click right in…AND have you feeling better day to day and create better results for you
And learning how to deploy those new lines of code again and again in the relevant environments, until it becomes totally automatic and the old stuff is completely overwritten
I can’t do all that in just one call.
But we can do it in a coaching package.
We’ll work through the bugs, one line of code at a time.
We’ll experiment, troubleshoot, and adjust week after week.
You’ll get all the results you came for.
AND you’ll get enough reps with this mental programming language that you can keep making adjustments to your mental OS forever, long after you’ve stopped working with me.
So if you’re tired of letting your default mental programming run your life…
…and you’re ready to learn how to write new updates directly into the source code…
Come talk to me, and let’s get started :)
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